Reading through the GOV website, the logic of the highbrow intellectuals running it is monotonously flawed and tiresome. There is fundamentally nothing ethical about the arguments on their website, which this post aims to reveal.
The article refers to a video of an unknown British Muslim by the name of Abu Mounisa. Whether or not his call for Western society to be replaced by Islam is justifiable, as well as whether he can be described as an authority on genuine Islam, will not be discussed in this post. Indeed, for the sake of argument, I will make the same assumption that the author has with his comparison of Abu Mounisa to Anjem Choudary i.e. that what this Muslim is calling for is immoral and unethical.
The complaint is common amongst tribalists, and this particular form of it is a hallmark of not only explicit White Nationalists but also their various allies under every banner, including these self-proclaimed "counterjihadists". Asking rhetorically why “he doesn’t get arrested for ‘inciting religious hatred’”, the author attempts to reveal a double standard. If Abu Mounisa is breaching hate speech laws in the same way that the non-Muslims of Britain are breaching them, then both should be tried equally – perfectly logical.
However, the immorality of the tribalism of the Gates of Vienna is revealed two sentences later:
“There are two sets of them: one for Muslims, and one for everyone else”.
Furthermore, the images – not-to-mention the recurring theme present in their blog posts – displaying the website’s support for Israel and Zionism reveal what we have said about tribalists all along: they may actually seek to remove perceived double standards between their group and other groups, but only insofar as they seek an easier platform to combat the out-group with the same methods they have complained about being used against them all this time.
They say they predict civil war in Europe, but it would be more accurate to describe them as attempting to incite it. In the unfortunate event that paranoia towards Muslims does escalate into violence in the future, let us not forget whom to hold to account for such developments. And even if it does not, at least we know GOV and the groups they support tried their absolute best to make it happen.
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